Your idea will fail


When you propose the idea of starting a new business, propose a new idea, or launching a new product, you will undoubtedly hear one of the following: 9 out of 10 businesses fail; That would never work in the real world; You’d never be able to get the money to do something like that; That sounds way too complicated; You don’t know how to do that; You don’t have any experience; There is already someone doing that, etc.

I’m going to be the first person to tell you they are right. But, they are also completely wrong. Huh? Let me explain. When you bring up your new idea to someone, most of the time it is their first reaction to give you a laundry list of excuses. Excuses they have used in their own life as to why they never started something new or innovative. It’s important to note that these are excuses, not reasons or facts. They are simply justifications for not taking action.

If you put these mental barriers in your way, chances are you won’t succeed either—they’ll be right. But the truth is, these excuses aren’t logical. Someone’s projected fears and past failures that have stood in the way of their dreams don’t have to stop you from reaching your goals. They are only right if you let them be. You are in control of the direction of your life. Stop making excuses and start taking action—it is the most important thing you can do. Remember, every journey begins with a single step. So, with that said, stop reading this and go get started!